- 購物篇
- How much is it? 這個多少錢
- Do you have other size/color? 有沒有其他尺寸/顏色
- I like it but it cost too much. 我喜歡但太貴了
- Can you give me cheaper price? 可以算我便宜點嗎
- XXX dollar less then I’ll buy. 降價xxx塊錢我就買
- Ok I’ll take it. 我要了
- Sorry I don’t like it. 抱歉我不是很喜歡
- That’s all, I’ll pay in cash/credit card. 這些就好,我付現金/刷卡
- 換錢篇-機場或銀行櫃檯
- I would like to exchange. 我想換錢
- US dollar to Korean dollar. 美金換韓幣
- Korean dollar to US dollar. 韓幣換美金
- What’s the exchange rate for US dollar to Korean dollar? 美金換韓幣現在匯率多少
- I need all in 10/20/50/100 bill. 我要全部都是10/20/50/100塊錢的鈔票
- 實戰篇-路上遇到陌生人
- Please don’t take pictures of me, thank you. 請別用相機照我,謝謝
- Stop following me or I will call police. 你要是再跟蹤我,我就叫警察
- Thank you for your help. 謝謝你的幫忙
- 餐廳、機場、飯店-萬用篇
- I would like to order xxx. 我想要點一份xxx
- How much for a combo 1. 一號套餐多少錢
- I am a vegetarian, do you have anything without meat? 我吃素,有素食嗎?
- Keep the change. 不用找了, 當小費
- I want an/a aisle/window seat. 我要一個靠走道/窗的位置
- My flight number is xxx depart to xxx. 我的班機號碼是xxx號飛往xxx國家/城市
- Sorry it’s my seat. 抱歉你坐到我的位置了
- I need a single room. 我要一個單人房
- Please give me a morning call at xxx o’clock. 請在明早xxx點鐘打電話叫我起床
- 機場英文單字 你會哪幾個?
- 簽證:visa
- 護照:passport
- 航廈:terminal
- 旅行社:travel agency
- 手續費:service charge
- 單程機票:one-way ticket
- 往返機票:round trip ticket
- 頭等艙:first-class section
- 商務艙:business-class section
- 經濟艙:economy-class section
巨匠美語評價-從pork park傻傻分不清楚,到專業兒童美語老師
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巨匠美語評價-出國旅遊英文懶人包 食衣住行必備會話
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